In Everything, Give Thanks…. 

I realized that I have not posted anything in a while, and I thought I should, so I scrolled through my drafts and found this. I wonder why I did not post it then and why I found it today, but I know it was not by chance. I hope you enjoy reading it. 

I have found it hard to be unhappy this past week. I made a new friend that cracks me up whenever we’re conversing, which is an awful lot these days, I launched a pair of shoes that a friend I have never met sent to me from the US, it’s especially funny because I had a screenshot of that exact pair of shoes in the same colour that I’d been eyeing on someone’s instagram page, and she didn’t know. I made headway with school work this holiday and it’s so great because it was just the push I needed. I am unencumbered, I am not weighed down by any feelings, unresolved or not for anybody. My life has just been so picture perfect this past couple of months, and I’m not even afraid, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been sad, I’ve cried, I’ve had to make a number of tough choices, I have wasted a lot of my time watching movies and stalking innocent people on instagram, and I am not close to figuring out what I want to do with my life after law school and youth service. But I am soooo calm about it. It’s like I am living in the moment, working on imminent goals and generally becoming a better person.

God is working on me, He is panel beating me, and I’m loving the outcome. I do not know how to hold grudges anymore, I’m learning to hold back myself if I feel unwholesome words scratching at my tongue, it’s funny sometimes and I burst out laughing. But it is amazing too.

I love my life. I am proud of the choices I’ve made. I’m grateful for the very safe and secure life that I am living. And above all, I am grateful for salvation, without which I’d be nothing.

Thank you God for the gift of Jesus. Friend, Father, Teacher, and God, all rolled up into one awesome being. No one greater than You has ever walked the earth, nor will anyone. Thank You for all these seemingly little things! Thank You! Thank You!

Today’s lesson is simple. Let us ALWAYS learn to be thankful. We should cultivate the habit of praising and thanking God. Someone once told me that even when God does something you don’t like, or something you think is not right by you, let the first thing you say be thank you, regardless of how you say it.

The Yorubas say bi a ba se eni loore, ope laa du, that is the ‘response to blessing ought to be thanks‘. When we learn to thank God for the little things, it becomes second nature, such that no matter what comes your way, what you say first is ‘thank You Jesus’. It has a way of recharging your Spirit, because it is a way of praying or talking to God, and for me, it is not possible to talk to God and not get refreshed.

This was an interesting piece to write, I hope you find it as interesting to read.

Plenty love,


Published by olothecomplainer

Lawyer, writer, child of God. My goal is to, through my posts, make life easier for a couple of people, by sharing about some lemons in my way and how I turned them into lemonade. Stick around to know more!

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